Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Plan-less and loving it !! :)

The past 2 weeks wasnt really an outcome of a long-drawn intellectualization process. As described in the last couple of posts, i have just taken to running more (in terms of volume), mostly easy, sometimes hard.

While i seem to have violated the 10% increase rule with regards to weekly mileage, i am beginning to gain confidence that i am not headed for any serious trouble as my effort level is usually easy. But more importantly, increasing the frequency of my running to 6 times a week has had a very profound effect on my thinking - i no longer stop to decide whether i am going to run today or not. That decision has already been made and the only remaining thing is what route to run on and for how long. For the psyche of a runner, this subtle distinction is yet a strong motivator with the passage of time - for me, it has made me look forward to getting time on my feet out.

Yesterday evening, was my first run up Mt.Faber in ages, with the CBD group who i was meeting after ages too. It was a good solid run and i was pleased to be able to run all the way up to the top at a 6:15-6:20 pace if i am not mistaken. Looped a couple of times on the top and walked back the hill and resumed running from the Kampong Bahru traffic light. Mostly ran in step with Chacha who i am teaming with for the TNF100km duo in 10 weeks time.

The plan is to run another couple of weeks just focusing on mileage and easy running and then beyond that, start to incorporate 1 or 2 race specific training runs as part of the build-up towards PBIM on Nov 20th.

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