Thursday, June 16, 2011

Getting the jitters ...

GCAM is now 2 weeks away. And i havent managed to get a half decent long run in since running the Sundown Half Marathon more than 2 weeks ago. There have been 2 abortive attempts that lasted 5km and 11.5kms respectively, and to put it rather mildly, they have dented my hopes of running a solid effort at GC. Therefore i have now switched focus from hard training to hard praying. For a miracle. :)

I am wondering whether i should race in my NB RT769s or the Boston Ekiden. Think i will go with the NBs as need more time in Boston to make the shoe expand a bit and fit neatly for my feet.

Salvage operations will get underway this weekend, at OUTR i suspect. Followed by intense dialogues with the almighty.

Progress report will come through later.

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